Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Enemy Weapon: RAS - 07 Sniper Rifle

The NMU-Manufactured RAS-07 Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle is a tactical advantage on the allies having a heavy impact in a shot, yet also being a full Semi-Automatic. It also carries a detachable deployment stalk and clip. It is feared by Phanafian soldiers and was used in the later years of the third world war by Brazilian Troops.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fliegerfaust M-7

The Fliegerfaust M-7 Missile Launcher is an anti-tank/bunker heavy weapon. It was considered a "secret prototype weapon" unitl our country prepared to fight Japan early this year. It is armed to Phanafian Scouts Army tank guides in America today. It is only to be used by highly trained special operatives in our military otherwise. It is a very powerful weapon and a early version of this rocket launcher was used in World War III called the "Waffenfaust M-5". They were seen on battlefields such as Delfan Canyon in Mexico, The Brazilian coast beaches, and the Invaison of Brazilla, Brazils capital city.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FG-T43 Assault Rifle

The FG-T43 is used in Phanafia primarily by terrorist groups and was used unofficially by the Phanafian Scouts Army in the 1991 Indian Revolution. It is a dangerous weapon having "burn-out" bullets that incinirate after a hit. The usage of this gun is highly debated. It was invented by soviet resistance in 1982, and modules of this weapon spread to foreign communist nations, such as Phanafia. Usage by terrorist started in 2004 when a Phanafian terrorist group by the name "Hell Hounds" stormed and held 82 people hostage in a World Trading Bank in New Laos City. 21 people died and 7 of them were shot by this assault rifle which burned out their insides before the bullet could be taken out of them. The tragic events of that date led to one of Phanfia's lead New World Trading Corparations to be destroyed in the northern sector of New Laos City.

Grobeschädenwaffe 44 Automatic

The Deployable GW-44 Automatic is a powerful setup Machine Gun that is similar to a moderated and updated version of a Browning Automatic Rifle. It has powerfully ranged bullets and 124 rounds which is extremely impressive for an Automatic Machine Gun. It is only used in the Phanfian Scouts Army by special machine gun divisions and firing squads. Men with this weapon are usually called in when the going gets tough and they are pinned down behind a machine gun nest or enemy division.

Luxus-Gravert 78K Rifle

The Luxus-Gravert 78k is the only bolt-action rifle used in the Phanafian Scouts Army. It has a powerful "one hit kill" impact with a bullet of 55% steel whick is more powerful than the German Kar98k Bolt Action Rifle. The Luxus-Gravert is commonly scoped and used by snipers in a Phanfian Division. The only disadvantage of the Luxus-Gravert is the lack of rounds. With the rifle only carring 21 rounds at a time, a sniper must carry extra rounds in his pack. This rifle was used in hunting until 2001 when the Phanfians decided to use it as a military weapon. It is now illegal to hunt with a Luxus-Gravert due to its hard impact.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Deployed MK-G42 Scoped

The Scoped MKG-42 is a modified and stelcronized version of the German MG-42. It is twice as powerful as originally, and the original German version had a fast rate of fire and hard impact so as you can imagine this is a very powerful machine gun. As a matter of fact it is one of the most powerful manual machine guns in exsistance today. It was used in World War III primarliy for taking out bunkers, considering a blindfire impact with the MKG42 can easily demolish any life in a foxhole, bunker, or mortar pit. MKG42's were also placed on troop-storm speedbarges to repel against Brazilian and Japanese Bunkers on enemy shores.

Executioneer 42 Submachine Gun

The EX-42 Submachine Gun is an Automatic Version of the EX-42 Pistol. The EX-42 Submachine Gun is a farily new weapon, having been produced this year as an updated and modified version of the EX-42 pistol and the M1AI submachine gun. It holds twice as many rounds as an EX-42 pistol but it's rounds are not as powerful. It has a faster rate of fire than any other Phanafian submachine gun. A scope can be attached for tactical flanking purposes.